you have changed the rates,my friends they would like to make a wipe for a fresh season and to come back to play ! they have no interest if they can play with same s just the rates low...make a wipe and you will have more people..more activity ! we are some people who will like to make a wipe ! (take as a suggestions)
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castle bug?
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Server up with no SmartGuard
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so i've been the owner of castle aden for quite a while and today i login and find that, for some magical reason, i'm not owner anymore even if the game recognizes me as the legitimate owner (on the pic you can see that i log in and says i'm the owner of castle aden, yet on the siege info there's another clan owning the castle). Is this a bug, a glitch, a hack or something? i tried to register as attacker to try to reclaim the castle but i can't because "clans owning a castle can't participate as attackers in sieges"Lineage II 21_6_2024 09_41_53_922x576.png
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castle bug?
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